A song I used to love as a teenager leapt into my head today. It is a spin on the tale of Three Little Pigs written by a rock group called Green Jello. I thought it was interesting that the song came into my head, being that it is just like our assignment due next week. Their version is that the first pig is a hick who spends his time farming, chewing tobacco and dreaming of the city. One day he buys a guitar and takes up playing it in the hay above the horses. He is struck by inspiration and moves to Holloywood on a whim to find his stardom. Of course, living on the farm, he knew nothing of the city. He was square dancing at the clubs and making a fool of himself, and he built his house from straw, which is no challenge to a Big Bad Wolf. And they have a sort of Romantic feel to their song, one reason because the pigs do not physically die, only apparently. The second pig is a stoner who spends his time smoking pot on venice beach. He built his house from old pop cans and cereal boxes and other trash. One day he was smoking a joint in his house, his brother pig visiting from hollywood, when the Wolf pulled up on his Harley-Davidson motorcycle. The pigs slip away without us knowing. The third pig is a rich architect student, the son of a rockstar named Pig Nugent. He drew out the plans and built a big, sturdy mansion with a custom security system. The pigs were having drinks on the roof when the Wolf showed up at the door like a vagrant. The third pig, the english student of the bunch, called 911 from his cell phone, and the cops sent out Rambo to handle the job. Rambo pumps him full of lead and the piggies live happily ever after.
Let me see if I can make this video appear here:
Nice! I thought of that song myself in connection with this class. I saw Green Jello at the Zebra about a year ago it was awesome!